Many organizations around the world have reduced costs, improved service delivery and enabled innovation and growth by engaging with StarLabs as their strategic outsourcing partner.
While their reasons vary as much as their businesses, most see outsourcing as a more predictable, scalable, and reliable way to move their business forward.
As an outsourcing partner we will assure that you will be able to:
Improve service delivery quality: Take full advantage of standardization, automation, and global integration to deliver consistent, reliable IT services that support business objectives.
Leverage StarLabs`s global industry and technology expertise: Gain access to skills you could not develop in-house or afford to recruit
Become more adaptable and flexible: Scale technology infrastructure up or down to meet changing business needs. Pursue transformation projects that can deliver continual, iterative returns on investment.
To ensure a successful cooperation with our clients we recommend a number of key activities to be carried out before entering into the outsourcing agreement:
- Secure commitment and support from senior management
- Define a strategy including goals and objectives
- Define areas that set the scope and limitations for offshoring – Core (business critical) & Non-Core (non-business critical)
- Define and establish KPI’s both for transition and steady state